Are you checking your mail each day in hopes of another Better World Books package? Do constantly finding yourself turning the last page on your latest read only to seek out your next? Are you up for a challenge? If you answered yes to these questions, you’re a perfect candidate for our 2021 Reading Challenge.
Follow the instructions below to participate:
1. Follow us on social media. We’ll be conducting a poll each month to collect some of your favorite categories in each title. Follow up on Facebook or Instagram to participate.
2. Check in with us at the start of each month. We’ll recommend a theme from which you can choose your next read. We’ll also offer suggested titles that fit within that theme on social media, our blog and on the homepage of our site.
3. Read! This is the easy part, right? Go crazy. Read as many books as you’d like and keep an eye out for bonus seasonal reading challenges.
4. Share! We’d love to see how you’re participating in our 2021 Reading Challenge. Share your experience on social media and use the hashtag #BWBRC2021.
2021 Reading Challenge Themes:
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a direct message on Facebook or Instagram.