Books on the Big Screen: Angels & Demons

angels So the summer movie blockbuster season is here.  This past weekend after some  Memorial Day shopping, my daughter and I  hit the movie theater to see Angels & Demons.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I think the movie was better than the book.  Don’t get me wrong, I liked the book, but I think there is a reason Dan Brown didn’t really hit it big until The Da Vinci Code.  For me it was a weird and unbelievable action scene in Angels & Demons at the height of the suspense.  The movie fixed this problem and for me it worked much better.

In addition to liking the movie better than the book, I also liked the movie version of Angels & Demons better than the movie version of The Da Vinci Code.  It moved faster than Code, and thankfully Tom Hanks hair was not so weirdly distracting.  I’m just sayin’.tomhankshair

So – even though I liked the movie better, I’m a purist and still think you should read the book first.  Despite the strange ending, it is a page turner and does fill in some of the details on the history of the Illuminati and the mystery of the symbols.

And of course, if you’re a Dan Brown fan, you’ll want to pre-order the new Dan Brown book THE LOST SYMBOL – coming out September 15, 2009.


  1. I agree with you about the ending of the book. Glad to hear they fixed it in the movie, cant wait to see it.

  2. I really liked the movie, never read the book though. I saw you have it on the Bargain list, so I’ll think about getting it.

  3. Now I am not sure I want to see the movie. I hate it when they change things — I can deal with leaving out details or minor parts – but changing things is no good. The author wrote it that way for a reason. I find it hard to watch too many movies if I’ve read the book.

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