There are certain resources everyone should have at home for reference – you know, when the power is out and you can’t access Google. Let’s say for example… a medical dictionary or a how to survive without the internet book, that kind of thing. And of course everyone should have a copy of today’s Spooky Book of the Day on hand… just in case.
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEMONS OF & DEMONOLOGY by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and John Zaffis
From the publisher:
“The truth about demons and demonology–in more than 400 entries.The conflict between good and evil can be found in every culture, mythical tradition, and religion throughout history. In many cases, the source of evil has been personified as demons or devils, and in many belief systems, both are considered to be real entities operating outside the boundaries of the physical world to torment people or lead them astray. In some traditions demons are believed to be the direct opposite of angels, working against the forces of good and challenging them. Real or not, demons are at the heart of many fascinating beliefs and traditions, several of which are widely held today.”