Want to make a difference in your community? Are you part of a nonprofit organization or a library that wants to have a local impact on literacy and education? We may be able to fund it for you.
Every year, we award LEAP Grants (the Literacy and Education in Action Program) to nonprofits and libraries with an idea to have a lasting impact on communities where the need is high.
Past grant recipients include a specialized training program for 100 primary school teachers in rural Nepal, an early literacy skill development program in Guatemala, a Read and Return bookmobile in Michigan, a library and resource center in Bhutan, and an early literacy preschool kit and activity calendar in Ohio.
And those are just the 2012 winners! You can view all past LEAP Grant recipients here: nonprofit winners, and library winners.
Applications are now open for this year’s LEAP Grants. You can download them as follows:
- LEAP applications for Nonprofits
Awarding $15,000 in grants with a maximum of $7,500. We will pick one winner and our online community will vote on the second. - LEAP applications for Libraries
Awarding $30,000 in grants with a maximum of $15,000. We will pick winners.
Dear Friends
Could you please let me know when the next round of grants will be available?
Chris Francke
]Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Wolfgang von Goethe
Christopher Francke’ Invites YOU
to the 6th Annual ‘Givingforchristmas’ fundraiser for orphan children in Jaffna, Sri-Lanka.
Introducing the sensational Seri Vida on vocals
& lots of prizes, surprises and fun!
Collingwood Library Hall,11, Stanton St, Abbotsford, next to Collingwood Railway Station.
* RSVP Chris Mob: 0418536541
email: [email protected]
How much? A Donation* Limited Seating*
All donations go directly to the Children’s Fund.