Better World Books Podcast: Jeffrey Stepakoff

fireworksJeffrey Stepakoff has a career that many people would drool over (myself included);  great success as a writer and producer in Hollywood, followed by an incredibly well received first novel, FIREWORKS OVER TOCCOA.  But that wasn’t the plan when he first started out.  When we sat down to talk last week Jeffrey said “he just wanted to be left alone to write”!

Clearly that worked out.  In Hollywood, Jeffrey worked on shows like SISTERS, THE WONDER YEARS and DAWSON’S CREEK not too mention several movies.  He loved the life, but really wanted more time with his family so decided to transition to writing books.  FIREWORKS OVER TOCCOA is Jeffrey’s second book, but first novel and it is quickly becoming a national bestseller.

Jeffrey and I hit it off right away and he quickly became what I like to call an Insta-Friend.  (You know the kind of thing, where you start talking and there’s no awkwardness and you feel like you’ve already known each other for years.)   You’ll see in the interview how we get into the personal side of the writing life before we even jumped into the book.  Catch the moment in the interview where Jeffrey turns the tables on me.  FIREWORKS OVER TOCCOA is a love story and as we dug into the intensity of the relationship he asked if I believe in love at first sight.  You’ll have to listen to find out what  I said!  What would you have said to that question?  Email me at or feel free to comment here on the blog!

Enjoy the interview, and click here to check out the rest of the great authors talking about their books on our podcast!

— Dana


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  1. Hi Dana,

    I am interested in talking with you about a review for Garth Stein. Would you please send me your contact information when you have a moment? Thank you so much!

    Sarah Daily
    Terra Communications

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