Do Something!

*Note* The below blog post is a guest blog from our friends at This content does not necessarily reflect the views of Better World Books (as our lawyers make sure we say).

Do Something! rallies teens all over the country around a particular causes to help raise awareness and often helps fund the effort they are supporting. We had the great fortune of working with them on the EPIC Book Drive.

We love having guest bloggers and invite you to email if you are interested in covering a book or topic on the BWB Blog. Thank you, Do Something! We love what you and your amazing team are doing.

“Do Something! A Handbook for Young Activists” is an interactive workbook for young people ages 9 and up created by, the leading not-for-profit for young people. The workbook takes you step-by-step through the process of finding a cause you care about and figuring out how to execute a project in your community.

You start by taking a quiz at the beginning of the first chapter to find your “thing,” and based on those results, you are led to different sections of the book throughout the five chapters. All chapters have a recap section at the end to clearly state what you discovered in each one to further get closer to the end goal of figuring out how to create a project in your community about your thing. According to The Jonas Brothers, “this book gives kids all the tools they need to change the world!”

The workbook can be purchased here. Better World Books and Do Something partnered together in the Epic Book Drive, a campaign to collect books for the recovering school district of New Orleans. Check back to the blog soon for more details on the success of the Epic Book Drive!


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