This past year Villanova University’s Habitat for Humanity in conjunction with the Villanova bookstore collected the surplus books on their campus to support Books for Africa.
The word spread so completely on campus that Villanova staff later dropped off books at our collection center over the summer while in Indiana .
Read their impressions of Better World Books in action:
“I wanted to let you know that I did end up stopping by Better World Books on my way to Chicago . The organization is wonderful and they were very helpful taking my books and asked for the organization who informed me of them. I would definitely encourage Villanova to use them for a book drive in the future – they were very efficient and organized. I feel like it’s so cool seeing a place you donate to, up close and personal, so I am passing along these photos!”
“My club adviser for Habitat sent me pictures of your center in Indiana from a colleague of hers who also went to drop off boxes. She returned boasting about the large scale organization and incredible mission statement of Better World Books-and the pictures were really something to see. I was surprised at just how many books you had! I just wanted to send that back to you and let you know again how happy we are to be working with you and how everyone who learns more about BWB is only that much more impressed with it.”