San Francisco, Get Ready!

Many people will be coming to San Francisco this weekend, on the small scale for the uber-fun (or uber-hated depending on how you feel about bikes vs. cars respectively) Critical Mass and of course, Pride 2008 (which should be particularly colorful considering the recent victory for gay marriage in the state of California).

If you plan on navigating the streets, as they will be full of bikers and floats, I suggest you peer through some literature first, so you don’t try to cross Market St. too many times…

You could start here but to get deeper in, may I suggest:

You’re going to want to take notes and file your pictures away.  If you want to access the city and do that the Moleskine Notebook series is amazing (the notebook of Hemingway and Picasso, notably).  They have one for most major US cities.

SF, what is it known for more than restaurants?  The food here is awesome, but you’ll need help figuring out where on earth to go.  Zagat‘s is still the standard on this front.  I would definitely Yelp when you get a little more clear on what you’re looking for, but the long thing maroon book is still the starting point, no question.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Lonely Planet is amazing.  Get the SF one here.

Oh, and if you wanna stop by, the ultracool team is here in the Bay, leave a comment with your email, maybe we can go get a drink.

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