Maybe you’re a better man than I, but I can’t read Finnish. I know what you’re thinking, “Jack, in your studies at Holy Cross you never got through Hurskas Kurjuus by Sillinpaa? Shame, shame!” I know, believe me.
However, if you have Finnish under control maybe you can tell us what this awesome full page pull out says in KD or as they know it “Kristillisdemokraattinen viikkolehti” (yes, that is the title of the newspaper… seriously). So far on the site I’ve ascertained that “Etusivu = homepage” and “Arkisto = archive.”
If you can find it, in the March 30th edition we got some awesome press (I think…):
“Lukutaidon edistamiseen jo mlijoonia dollareita: Haaveilen jo koulussa yrityksesta, jonka toimintaan liittyisi erottamattomasti hyvantekevaisyys, sanoo Xavier Hegelsen.”
Hey… I recognize something there!
[Update, I think “Haku” is search but I have yet to find the article in the archives… I’ll keep you posted!]
[Update 2: This is an interview with Xavier! Scandanavia loves its own!]
For more press about Better World Books go HERE.