(Guest post by Lisa Avetisian, Manager of Development Operations at National Center for Family Literacy.)
Libraries definitely had a presence at the 22nd Annual National Conference on Family Literacy, which concluded on Tuesday, April 30, in Louisville, KY. Reflective of the National Center for Family Literacy‘s evolving work with libraries, several library representatives from across the country presented and attended training sessions, including NCFL-Better World Books Libraries and Families Award winners (from 2010 as well as 2012), applicants for the Libraries and Families Award, and NCFL’s potential library partners at local and state levels.
Attendees from libraries and state library departments hailed from Houston, TX; Columbus, OH; Providence, RI; Harford, CT; Frankfort, KY; Salinas, CA; Springfield, IL; Columbia, SC; and Shirley, NY. I had the good fortune of meeting with several library attendees for a few hours (amidst the 100+ conference sessions)!
We had a rich and vibrant discussion about the needs of libraries in their efforts to evolve and provide increasingly innovative and far-reaching family education programs. It was a great evening with dedicated and inspiring individuals who are continuously helping families learn together every day and are eager to do even more.
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