Earlier this month, we posed a question to our Facebook community: “What does Earth Day mean to you?” Here are some of the responses they (you) came back with, in their (your) own words.
“Earth Day is a rallying call to bring awareness to the general public about the importance of conserving the planet for future generations.”
– Emily W.
“Reminds me that we are all stewards and we have a responsibility to preserve our Earth for generations to come.”
– Suellen D.
“I’m a very busy 22-year-old grad student who mentors an extremely diverse group of kindergarteners. Like others have said, we should treat every day like Earth Day. I take every chance I get to educate the little ones about animals, plants, and how all these beautiful things coalesce into the most fantastically complicated ecosystems. We live because of these systems and should do everything we can to preserve them. Even if we’ve made horrible decisions in the past, we can make every day an Earth day. It’s a bit of an overwhelming concept, to imagine yourself part of a greater whole, but if kindergarteners can get it… Well, I’m sure the older ones can, too.”
– Devon A.
“It means that everything on this planet deserves to be cherished.”
Lin W.
There are a bunch more, too. Come view the rest of the varying opinions and perspectives on the Facebook post. Thanks to everyone who responded and shared their thoughts with us.
And don’t forget to check out the Earth Day sale while it’s up! Happy Earth Day!
Drop Box photo contributed by Pixie Poe (@pixiepoe123).