5 Ways Technology Has Changed the Way We Read and Learn

Technology Changing the Way We LearnTechnology is constantly improving itself. Before there was printing, people told stories orally. Then the printing press invented mass-produced books. Now books have kept up with technology and are in screen format. The invention of computers, tablets, and smart phones has changed the way we read and learn in five ways.

There are new forms of communication

Image via Flickr by malias
A practically new language is invented as a result of technology. New terms are used because of technology, such as rage faces and laugh out loud. They are even abbreviated to form a new type of cuneiform. The technology language is found in news programs, books, TV shows, and movies. Teachers are using meme images to help students learn challenging concepts and are adapting the shorthand form of communication into their lectures to grab student’s attention.

Research is Performed Mostly Online

Image via Flickr by MoneyBlogNewz

Research is still done in libraries. However, most research is performed online. By typing in a few words into internet search engines, people can find a huge amount of information on every subject. Research online is amazing because people can conduct research at a library, while traveling, at home, and almost in any setting.

While research is instantly provided to us, instead of sifting through heavy books for hours, there is a huge amount of information on the internet. This means it takes us more time to go through it and find sources and pockets of information that are reliable In doing this, we spend more time digesting, thinking about, and critically applying that information.


Classrooms are Getting Rid of Chalkboards and Paper


Image via Flickr by IntelFreePress
Traditional classrooms have teachers giving lectures while writing out key notes on the chalkboard. Students took notes, did assignments, and completed tests on paper. More and more schools are eliminating the traditional elements of a classroom. It is now the goal of schools to replace chalkboards with smart boards, an electronic tool that allows teachers to creative interactive lectures and assignments and play videos through a projector. Smart boards also allow the teacher to electronically draw on the board like they would a chalkboard.

Tablets are also rising in popularity in schools. The future of classrooms will have students carrying around tablets instead of books and paper. They will take notes on tablets, follow along to lessons, have interactive virtual assignments, email homework and papers to the teacher for grading, keep all of their textbooks in one computer, and even take tests online with their tablets.

Textbooks are Interactive


Image via Flickr by melenita2012
Textbooks are no longer the boring flat text on a page with a few helpful images placed within the content. With the rise of technology comes a revolution in textbooks. They are now interactive with web-based content. While reading a textbook, students can take assessments with instant feedback, view animations that aid in understanding the content, view more materials, watch videos, and experience other content that help with learning. eReaders will allow students to experience this content and carry around eight textbooks at a time without having back problems.

Technology is changing and evolving the way we read and learn thanks to the resources and devices used to reach content. As this technology perfects itself, traditional ways of getting information will be a thing of the past, like telling oral stories.

emilygreenEmily Green is a freelance writer with more than six years’ experience in blogging, copywriting, content, SEO, and dissertation, technical and thesis writing. 


  1. Pingback: infographic- How is Technology Changing How We Read | slavado18

  2. I know this article is 2 years old now, but I only count 4 ways that are discussed, not 5…

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