Inherit the Land


Inherit the Land, by Gene Stowe (non-fiction)

Last month marked a historic time in our nation as we elected our first black president. It was amazing to see the emotion on children’s faces truly filled with hope, that  anyone could become president someday.

As we celebrate this important moment in our history, it is important to remember the victories that occurred along this long road to breaking down racial barriers.

Gene Stowe’s Inherit the land tells of the south in the early 1900’s, when it was common place for white mobs to ignore the laws of the land and routinely beat and torture blacks. Yes, slavery was over, but white America was far from accepting blacks as their equals.

Stowe’s book tells of the Ross Sisters, white women who dared to be different, showing everyone love and compassion, regardless of skin color.  They  took a black family in with them and lived with them like  one family. When the last Ross sister passed away in 1920, they left their entire estate to the black family that had been living with them. This decision outraged the local community, and several of the Ross’ cousins came forth to file lawsuit against the will.

Amazingly enough, the will was upheld, showing that even in these dark times, there was hope for a brighter future.

Inherit the land is a great read, a good tribute to the heroes that have been fighting civil right battles in America years ago that helped pave the way to our historic election this year.

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