Love Reading? Follow These Book Haulers

featured-bookhaulers-smOver the past couple of years, we’ve become aware of v-loggers who post videos on YouTube known as “book hauls.” Book haul videos are posted by folks with a serious case of bibliophilia—readers who dive into the depths of book-buying websites, and come back up hauling a batch of fresh reads. They share their thoughts on the books, the condition, and often the buying experience.

If it weren’t for the good word that these thoughtful readers put in about us, we might never have known!

So, partially as a way of saying “thanks,” and partially as a recommendation in case you’re looking to connect with other readers and figure out what to read next, we’d like to share a few Book Haul veterans out there that you should certainly check out.

  1. Misty reads a lot. Like a LOT lot. And, she shares her thoughts at
  2. EverythingOnIce22 made a 2-parter: Part 1  |  Part 2
  3. Read Susie Read had some great things to say about us!
  4. Ashley bought half a dozen books a while back at our Bargain Bin.
  5. lbrades was getting low on great reads, so she restocked.
  6. lyndsayreads liked our mission and caught up on some books she’d been meaning to read.
  7. Bruna Miranda was impressed by the quality of her used books.

Are you a book hauler? Or a voracious reader that’s active on social media? We’d love to connect with you on Facebook and Twitter. And if you have hauled up a load from, link us to your video so we can share it!

EDIT: Adding some other mentions here as well. Thanks for letting us know!

One Comment

  1. Didn’t knew many of these book haulers, except for Bruna. She’s amazing 🙂

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