The Inspiration of Dr. King

by David Murphy, CEO Better World Books

David Murphy, CEO of Better World Books

Today we celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, a man of enormous impact in the United States and indeed around the world.  I remember as a young boy going to hear Dr. King speak when he visited my home town and how his inspirational message resonated with so many, even if I was too young to fully understand and appreciate the power of his words and presence.  And I remember that tragic day in Memphis as if it were yesterday….the grief and enormous sense of loss; seared in my mind and millions of others who can instantly recall where they were and what they were doing at the precise moment they first heard that a great light in our midst had been extinguished.  He was a man of great hope and of great promise…..and he immeasurably changed our country and who we are as a people for the better.

Dr. King was the leader of a movement and his legacy is grounded not only in a quest for equality and justice but in service.  The core of Dr. King’s message transcends boundaries and permeates the spirit of people today just as strongly as it did five decades ago.  I think he would applaud and support all of the efforts that our community is making every day to make a difference in the lives of so many… matter their race, creed, color or gender….through literacy and education.

Martin Luther King is well known for many of his speeches and his ability to inspire and move people.  Here is one quote that I have referenced many times over the years and from which I draw inspiration:

“And I have always said that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge and moments of controversy.”

Do you have a particular quote or speech or memory of Dr. King that you would like to share?  Please do so with all of us!  And in so doing help us to honor the memory of this extraordinary man….and re-commit ourselves to the dream he shared with America and the world.

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